3 listopada, 2022
13th Moon (1)20 Buck Spin Records (1)359 (1)1990 (2)1991 (1)1992 (5)1993 (3)1994 (4)1995 (2)1996 (5)1997 (4)1998 (1)1999 (1)2000 (3)2001 (2)2002 (1)2003 (2)2004 (1)2006 (2)2007 (3)2008 (2)2009 (3)2010 (3)2011 (6)2012 (5)2013 (8)2014 (8)2015 (13)2016 (29)2017 (51)2018 (79)2019 (67)2019. Hell's Headbangers Records (1)2020 (55)2021 (134)2022 (127)2023 (66)2024 (22)AbArt Corruption (1)Abhomine (1)Abhorrent Deformation (1)Abigor (1)Ablaze Productions (2)Abominated (1)Abysmal Lord (2)Abyssal Rift (1)Abythic (2)Acherontas (1)Adati (1)Adramelech (1)Adramelech Records (1)Adrasteia (1)Aerdryk (1)Aesthus (1)Aetherius Obscuritas (1)Aethyrick (1)A Fine Day to Die Productions (2)Aftermath Music (1)Ages of Blood (1)Agonia Records (4)Agressor (1)Akathartos (2)Alchemy of Flesh (1)Alkolik Holocaust Records (1)Almyrkvi (1)Alruna (1)Altarage (1)Altare Productions (8)Altered Dead (1)Amaguq (1)Ambient (4)American Line Productions (1)Amor Fati Productions (8)Anal Blasphemy (1)Analog Overdose Records (1)Analög Ragnarök (1)Ancestral Shadows (1)Ancient Burial (1)Ancient Crypts (1)Ancient Darkness Productions (1)Ancient Horror Records (4)Ancient Obscurity (1)Ancient Records (1)Ancient Sounds of Madness Productions (1)Ancient Spirit Terror (1)Ancient Urn Records (1)Ancient Wisdom (1)Andeis (1)Angantyr (1)Angel Morgue (1)Anhedonist (1)Annihilation Vortex (1)Anthorn (1)Antiquus Scriptum (1)Antitheus Productions (1)Apocalyptic Productions (1)Apokalupsis (1)Apo Kosmos Khaos Productions (2)Apostasy (1)Apostate (1)Arath (1)Arazubak (1)Archaist (1)Argentina (6)Arkaik Excurciation (1)Arkona (1)Armagedda (1)Armnatt (2)Ascended Dead (2)Asgrauw (2)Askesis (1)ASRAR (3)ASRAR. Black Metal (1)Astral (1)Astral Lore (1)Astral Nighmare Productions (5)Asylum Tenebris (1)Ataraxy (1)Athos (1)Atmospheric Black Metal (41)Atmospheric Black Metal / Ambient (6)Atonement (1)Atra Mors (1)Atrocity Altar (3)At the Altar of the Horned God (1)Auro (1)Auroch (1)Australia (22)Austria (6)Autokrator (1)Autumn's Rapture (1)Avantgarde Music (4)Azaghal (1)Azazel (1)Azure Graal (1)Aūkels (3)Baalberith (1)Babylon Doom Cult Records (2)Backyotomy (1)Balberskult (1)Balmog (2)Banner of Blood (5)Baptism (1)Barbarian Wrath (2)Baron Records (1)Battle Dagorath (1)Bašmu (1)Beast of Revelation (1)Beauty of Pain Records (1)Beenkerver (1)Behemoth Productions (1)Behexen (1)Bekëth Nexëhmü (1)Belarus (7)Belgium (7)Belial's Throne (1)Belzazel (1)Bergstolz (1)Bestial Burst (1)Betrayer (1)Beyond Helvete (1)Beyond Time (1)Bezdan (1)Biały Witeź (1)Bilskirnir (1)Bitter Misery Records (1)Black / Death / Doom Metal (3)Black / Death Metal (37)Black / Death Metal / Grind (1)Black / Death Metal / Noise (1)Black / Doom Metal (7)Black / Folk Metal (1)Black / Speed / Heavy Metal (1)Black / Speed Metal (2)Black / Thrash Metal (13)Black Blood Invocation (1)Black Ceremonial Kult (1)Black Cilice (1)Black Cum (1)Black Death Production (2)Blackened Death Metal (3)Blackened Temple (1)Blackened Thrash Metal (3)Blackest Ink Recordings (1)Black Funeral (1)Black Gangrene Productions (11)Black Hearts Records (1)Black Legions Records (1)Black Lion Records (1)Black Magic Rites (1)Black Metal (366)Black Metal / Ambient (6)Black Metal / Crust (1)Black Metal / Dungeon Synth (7)Black Metal / Experimantal (1)Black Metal / Grind / Noise (1)BlackSeed Productions (2)Blasphemous Creations of Hell Records (2)Blasphlegmy (1)Blast Head Records (1)Bleeding Shroud (1)Blessed Sickness (1)Blood Banner (1)Blood Chalice (1)Bloodfiend (1)Blood Harvest (6)Blood Incantation (1)Blood of Serpents (1)Bloodred Distribution (1)Blood Sorcery (1)Blood Stronghold (1)Blot & Bod (1)Bludgeon Oath (1)Bodyfarm (1)Boia (1)Borda's Rope (1)Born for Burning Productions (2)Bosnia and Herzegovina (2)Brahdr'uhz (1)BrainBath (1)Brazil (5)Broken Limbs Recordings (1)Brutal Death Metal (11)Brutal Infection Records (1)Burial (1)Burial Choir (1)Burning Coffin Records (2)Cabalist Records (1)Cacophonous Records (1)Cadaveric Incubator (1)Caligari Records (6)Caligo Arcanum Productions (1)Calvana (1)Canada (23)Canti Eretici (1)Carathis (1)Carbonized Records (1)Carcinoid (1)Cardiac Arrest (2)Carnal Desecration (1)Carrion Bloom (1)Cartilage (1)Caveman Cult (1)Caverna Abismal Records (1)Cavus (1)CD (1)Cedamus (1)Celebration (1)Celestial Conjuration (1)Celestial Sword (2)Celtefog (1)Cendres De Haine (1)Century Media Records (1)Ceremented (2)Ceremonial Bloodbath (1)Ceremonial Decay (1)Ceremonial Worship (1)Ceremoniële Walging (1)Chalice of Blood Angel Productions (1)Chaos Records (1)Chile (13)Chile / Equador (1)Cirith Gorgor (1)Cmentarny Zew (1)COF Records (1)Coitus Diaboli (1)Cold Raw Records (1)Cold Void Emanations (1)Colombia (4)Colotyphus (1)Comatose Music (1)Consistentis Veritatis Peremptoria (1)Consummatio (1)Corde Raide Productions (2)Corpseflesh (1)Corrosive Carcass (1)Corvus Neblus (1)Cosmic Keys Creations (1)Costa Rica (1)Covil Records (1)Crawling Chaos (1)Creator-Destructor Records (1)Cremation (1)Cresset (1)Croc Noir (1)Crown and Throne Ltd (2)Crucifixion Bell (1)Crushing the Scepter (1)Crypts of Eternity Productions (1)Cráneo Negro Records (1)Csejthe (1)cthulhuss (1)Cultes des Ghoules (2)Cult of Extinction (1)Culto Obscuro (2)Cultus Caliginous (1)Cursed Blood Records (1)Cursed Oath Records (1)Cyber Music (1)Cyprus (1)Cystic (1)Czarnobog (1)Czech Republic (2)Daemon Worship Productions (1)Daetven (1)Dagger Lust (1)Dakhanavar (1)Dakr Ambient (1)Dark Adversary Productions (12)Dark Ambient (1)Dark Descent Records (11)Darkdruid (1)Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult (1)Darker Than Black (7)Darkest Bethlehem (1)Dark Recollections (3)Dawnbreed Records (2)Dawning Septic Productions (1)Deadspeak (2)Dead Void (1)Death / Black Metal (5)Death / Doom Metal (23)Death / Thrash Metal (5)Deathcult (2)Death Defier Productions (1)Death Division Rituals (1)Death File Red (1)Deathhammer Records (1)Death Kvlt Productions (6)Death Kvlt Records (1)Death Manifestations (2)Death Metal (145)Death Metal / Goregrind (2)Death Metal / Grind (5)Death Prayer Records (3)Deathrash Armageddon (1)Deathronation (1)Deaththrash Armageddon (1)Debemur Morti Productions (1)Decayed (1)Deconsekrated (1)Deep Desolation (1)Degraved (1)Demented Omen of Masochism (1)Demonbreed (1)Demonic Obedience (1)Demonion Productions (1)Demonseed (1)Denial Of God (1)Denmark (13)Den Ottende Kunst (1)Depressive Black Metal (2)Despondent Moon (1)Destroyer 666 (1)Det Eviga Leendet (1)Devilfrost Records (1)Devouring Famine (1)Devouring Star (1)Diabolical Summoning Records (1)Diabolic Night (1)Diabolic Rites (1)Disembodied Records (2)Disfigurement (1)Disfuneral (1)Dismal Ruin (1)Dissociative Healing (1)Diune (1)Djevelkult (1)Dodmorke (1)Dodskold (1)Dominance of Darkness Records (2)Domini Inferi (1)Dominus (1)Doomster Reich (1)Doppelaxt (1)Drakkar Productions (3)Drapsnatt (1)Dripping Decay (1)Drowning The Light (3)Druadan Forest (1)Drutentus (1)Dry Cough Records (2)Dungeon Synth (4)Dunkelheit Produktionen (1)Duplicate Records (1)Durazis (1)Dynamic Arts Records (1)Dødsfall (1)Eastside (1)Ecuador (2)Eisenwald (2)Ekpyrosis (1)Elegiac (1)Elegy Records (2)Elffor (1)Embrional (1)Empire of the Moon (1)Empty Pit Recordings (1)End All Life Productions (1)Endarker (1)Epic Black Metal (1)Epidemia Records (1)Equador (1)Ernte (1)Escafismo Records (2)Esfinge de la Calavera (1)Esoteric Ritual (1)Estve (1)Eternal Downfall (1)Eternality (1)Eternich (1)Eternity Records (2)Eternum (1)Evilfeast (1)Evil Might (1)Evil Morgue Entertainment (1)Evil Spells Records (1)Excision (1)Excrement (1)Excruciate 666 (1)Execration (1)Exhumed (1)Expansion Abyss (1)Extinguised (1)Extremely Rotten Productions (6)Eye of Horus Creations (1)F.D.A. Records (5)Fallen Empire Records (2)Fallen Temple (11)Fatalism Musickness (1)Father Befouled (1)Fatherland (1)Fellmoon (1)Felvum (1)Fervent Hate (1)Festerday (1)Fiat Nox (1)Filth Junikes Records (1)Final Agony Records (3)Finland (54)Finland / Netherlands (1)Flagras (1)Flammersjel (1)Flesh Hoarder (1)Flesh Temptation (1)Flešš (1)Floga Records (1)Flowing Downwards Records (1)Fog of the Apocalypse Records (1)Folk (2)Folk Metal (1)Folter Records (1)Forbidden Keep Records (2)Forbidden Sonority (1)Forever Plagued Records (1)Formorket (1)Forsmán (1)Fortress of the Olden Days (1)Fossilized (1)France (17)Frigidus Ignis (1)From Beyond Productions (1)Frostcald Records (1)Frostveil (1)Frozen Fortress (1)Fucking Kill Records (3)Fullmoon Lunacy (1)Fullmoon Night Ritual (1)Funeral Doom Metal (1)Funeral Fullmoon (1)Funeral Harvest (1)Funeral Vomit (2)Funeral Whore (1)Fólkvangr Records (2)Förgjord (1)Gam (1)Garigha (1)Gasmask (1)Gateway (2)Gehenna (1)Geist Elbereth (1)Germany (56)Gernamy (1)Gharmelicht (1)Ghastly Music (1)Gjaldur (1)Gleamingash (1)Gnaargakh (1)Gnipahålan (1)Goatchruch (1)Goatcraft (1)Goatica Records (1)Goatlordh Records (1)Goatmarch Distro (1)GoatowaRex (1)Goatspell (1)Goat Throne Records (2)Godz ov War Productions (2)Golod (1)Gouffre (1)Grabunhold (1)Grainheim (1)Grandeur (1)Grave Eater (1)Gravehammer (1)Grave Infestation (1)Grave Of God (1)Grave Pilgrim (1)Gravered (1)Gravestalker (1)Grave Upheaval (1)Graveyard (1)Graveyard Winds (1)Greece (20)Greenwitch (1)Grime Stone Records (1)Grimm Distribution (3)Grind to Death Records (1)Gromoverzh (1)Grotesque Deity (1)Grotesque Sounds Productions (1)Gurgling Gore (1)Haalbuaer (1)Hadit (1)Hagel (1)Halo of Flies (1)Hammerbund (1)Hammerheart Records (1)Hammer of Hate Records (2)Hatefrost (1)Haunted by Ill Angels (1)Haunted Cenotaph (1)Haunted Sanity (1)Havohej (1)Headsplit Records (7)Heavy / Black Metal (1)Hecatombe Records (1)Heidens Hart Records (1)Hell's Coronation (2)Helleruin (1)Hell Militia (1)Hellprod Records (1)Hells Headbangers Records (12)Helm of Saga (1)Helter Skelter Productions (3)Helvellyn (1)Heosphoros (1)Hepatomancy (1)Heretical Sect (1)Hermitage (1)Herrecords (1)Hetroertzen (1)Hexcastle (1)Hexed Cemetery Records (1)Hexencave Productions (2)Hexerei (1)Hidden Marly Production (1)Hidden Marly Productions (1)High Roller Records (1)Hinthial (1)His Wounds (6)Hjemsøkt (1)Holy Death (2)Horror Pain Gore Death Productions (2)Hostile Records (2)Hrizg (1)HSP Productions (1)Huangquan Records (1)Hulder (1)Humanity's Plague Productions (3)Hungary (4)Hypnotic Dirge Records (1)Iceland (5)Iku-Turso (1)Illum Adora (1)Illumination (1)Immolation (1)Immortal Frost Productions (3)Immortal Hammer (1)Immortal Souls Productions (1)Imperathorn (1)Imperium Productions (1)Impest (1)Impious Desecration Records (2)Impure Declaration (1)Imšar (2)Incantation (1)InCoffin Productions (1)India (1)Indie Recordings (2)Indonesia (9)Industrial Metal (2)Infernal Devastation Records (1)Infernal Execrator (1)Infernal Kommando Records (1)Inferna Profundus Records (3)Infested (1)In League with Satan Productions (1)In Pulverem Mortis Productions (1)Insineratehymn (1)Interceptor (1)In Thoth (1)Invasion Records (1)Invictus Productions (7)Invultation (2)Ireland (3)Iron Blood and Death Corporation (5)Iron Bonehead Productions (33)Iron Corpse (1)Iron Triumph (1)Isceald (1)Issolei (1)Italy (14)I Voidhanger Records (1)Ixiol Productions (1)Japan (2)Jasad (1)Jassa (2)Jems Label (3)Jordablod (1)Jordsjuk (1)Judas Iscariot (1)Kandelaber Records (1)Kanonenfieber (1)Katavasia (1)Kawir (2)Kellerassel Records (2)Keys to the Astral Gates and Mystic Doors (1)Khashm (1)Kill (1)Kingdom (1)Kiukinberg (1)Klanen (1)Knife Vision (1)Korpituli Productions (2)Kosmokrator (1)Krajiny Hmly (1)Kres (1)Krjiny Hmly (1)Krucyator Productions (1)Kunsthall Produktionen (1)Kurhan (1)Kuunpalvelus (1)Kvaen (1)Kvlt (1)Kyy (1)Kêres (1)Labirynth Tower Records (1)Lampir (1)Lamp Of Murmuur (2)Larval Productions (1)Lavadome Productions (1)Les Fleurs du Mal Productions (4)Life After Death (5)Lifeless (1)Lifeless Chasm Records (1)Likblek (1)Likferd (1)Limited Blasting Productions (1)Listenable Records (1)Livor Mortis (2)Locust Amber Records (1)Lord Liege (1)Lord Of The Sick Recordings (3)Lower Silesian Stronghold (1)Lunar Apparitions (4)Lunar Spells (1)Lusitanian Music (1)Lux Inframundis Productions (1)Lycanthropic Chants (2)Macho Records (1)Maggot Stomp (2)Magick Howl (1)Mahamvantara Arts Records (1)Malaysia (1)Malediction (1)Malefic Levitation (1)Maligant Altar (1)Maltkross Productions (1)Malum Arcana (1)Mantahungal (1)Mara Productions (4)Mass Burial (1)Maze of Terror (1)Medieval Prophecy Records (1)Megalith Grave (1)Megiddo (1)Melipulli Records (1)Memento Mori (4)Mementory (1)Me Saco un Ojo Records (7)Metal Choice Cut Records (1)Metal Force Records (1)Mexico (6)Minenfeld (1)Minenwerfer (1)Misantropia Records (1)Misnathropic Art (1)Misotheismus (1)Misþyrming (1)Mjölnir (1)Molis Sepulcrum (1)Moloch Letalis (1)Moluchtas (1)Mondocane (1)Moon (1)Moon Labyrinth (1)Moonthoth (1)Moontower (1)Moorgeist (1)Moos und Efeu Produktionen (1)Morbid Chapel Records (2)Morbid Noizz Productions (1)Morbid Records (1)Morbid Rituals (1)Morbosidad (2)Mordhell (2)Morgenstern (1)Morgue Walker (1)Moribund Records (4)Mortal Embodiment (1)Mortevexis (1)Mortiferum (1)Mortual (1)Mortuary (1)Mortuary Drape (1)Mortuous (1)Mospharic Recording Limited (1)Motorpunk Records (1)Mourning Forest (1)Mouth of Madness Tapes (1)Muert (1)Murg (1)My Dark Desires Records (1)Mystic Productions (1)Mystiskaos (1)Mörbid Vomit (1)Múspellzheimr (1)Nachtig (1)Nansarunai (1)Napalm Records (1)Narbentage Produktionen (11)Narcoleptica Productions (1)Narvik (1)Naturmacht Productions (1)Nebran (1)Nebular Carcoma Records (2)Nebulhaim (1)Neckbreaker (1)Necroblood (1)Necroeucharist Productions (1)Necrolatry Records (2)Necroneutron (1)Necrophagous (1)Necro Ritual (1)Necrotic Ooze (1)Necrovorous (1)Necruz Records (1)Negrüme (1)Nekus (1)Neocortex (1)Neo Folk (1)Netherlands (19)Nettlecarrier (1)New Era Productions (4)New Standard Elite (1)New Zeland (2)Nice To Eat You Records (1)Nidhoggr (1)Night's Majesty (1)Night Birds Records (1)Nightfell (1)Night Hag (1)Nigrum Pluviam (1)Nihil Invocation (2)Nihilistic Noise Propaganda (1)Nihil Productions (2)Nithstang Productions (1)Nocturnal Graves (1)Nocturnal Sorcery (1)Nocturnal Triumph (1)No Dust Records (1)Noisebringer Records (1)Nomad Snakepit Productions (1)Non Serviam Records (1)Nordgeist (1)Nordisk Kultur (1)Nordvis Produktion (2)Norma Evangelium Diaboli (2)Norrhem (1)Northern Heritage Productions (2)Northern Silence Productions (1)Northern Sky Productions (1)Norway (18)Norway / Italy (1)No Sign Of Life Records (1)Nostra Dementia (1)Not Kvlt Records (1)Nuclear Blast (1)Nuclear War Now! (3)Nuclear Winter Records (2)Nucleus (1)Nullification (1)Nunslaughter (2)NWN! Productions (4)Nybras (1)Nyctophilia (2)Nykta Records (1)Nächtlich (1)Nëbrahhartën (1)Obscurant Visions (1)Obscure Abhorrence Productions (3)Obscure Burial (1)Obscure Infinity (1)Occult Blood (1)Odal (1)Of Crawling Shadows Records (1)Offenbarung (1)Old (1)Old Coven (1)Olde Throne (1)Old Leshy (1)Old Shadow Records (1)Old Skull Productions (1)Old Temple (13)Old Temple Records (2)One Tail One Head (1)Orcustus (1)Ordem Satânica (1)Order of Darkness (1)Orlok (1)Osmose Productions (7)Out of Season (3)Ov Shadows (1)Pagan Black Metal (16)Paganizer (1)Pagan Moon (1)Pagan Records (1)Pagan War Distro (1)Pale Mist (1)Paragon Records (2)Parasitic Records (2)Parasyte Curse (1)Pathologically Explicit Recordings (1)Pa Vesh En (2)Peaceville (2)Perished Soil (1)Perkun Records (2)Permanent Disfigurement (1)Personal Records (4)Peru (2)Perunwit (1)Perverse Homage (2)Perverted Taste (1)Pestilential Shadows (1)Pest Productions (3)Pesttanz Klangschmeide (1)Phantasmagore (1)Phantom Lure (1)Phantom Spire (1)Philippines (1)Phlegein (1)Phylactery (1)Pile of Heads (2)Plague Demon Records (1)Plague God (2)Plague Weaver (1)Planetary King Records (1)Poisonous Sorcery (1)Poland (72)Popioły (1)Portugal (14)Posionous Sorcery (1)Praecognitvm (1)Pragnavit (1)Prawia (1)PRC Music (1)Primitive Archive (1)Primitive Reaction (1)Primordial Serpent (1)Prior Satanae Production (1)Profound Lore Records (2)Proscriptor McGovern's Apsû (1)Prosthetic Records (1)Psalmodist Records (1)Psychodelic Doom Metal (1)Psychoslaughter Records (1)Puke Mutant (1)Pulverised Records (3)Purity Through Fire (7)Putrid Cult (1)Putrid Evocation (1)Pyre (1)Qalmana (1)Quintessenz (1)Ragnarok (1)Rapture (1)Rapture (GR) (1)Rapture Records (1)Rassilon Records (1)Ravager (1)Ravenmoon Sanctuary (1)Ravenzang (1)Raw Black Metal (2)Razed Souls Productions (1)Rebirth the Metal Productions (1)Redefining Darkness Records (4)Redrum Records (1)Reforestation Records (1)Relapse Records (2)Repose Records (1)Resilient (1)Respawn the Plague (1)Resurrected (1)Revolting (1)RGR Distro (1)Riexhumation (1)Riivaus (1)Rites of Thy Deringolade (1)Ritual Abuse Distro (1)Ritualization (1)Rituals of the Dead Hand (1)Rivers Like Veins (1)Romania (1)Rotted (1)Rotted Life (1)Rotting Chapel Propaganda (1)Rotting Misery (1)Rottrevore Records (1)Rude (1)Runemagick (1)Russia (15)Sacramental Blood (1)Sacrificial Sounds (2)Sad (1)Salvation (1)Sanctum of Solitude (1)Sanctvs (1)Sapientia Diaboli (1)Sarkrista (1)Satanath Records (4)Saturnal Records (1)Sawhill Sacrifice (1)Scaphism (1)Schattenkult Produktionen (5)Scheitan (1)Schierling Klangkunst (1)Schreigarm (1)Scorn (1)Scotland (1)Screaming Skull Records (1)Seance Records (1)Season of Mist (8)Self-produced (42)Sell Your Soul Records (1)Selvajaria Records (1)Sentient Ruin Laboratories (7)Sepulchral Productions (2)Sepulchral Triumph (1)Sepulchral Voice Records (1)Sepulchral Zeal (1)Sepulchromancy (1)Serbia (5)Serpentfyre (1)Serpentshrine (1)Sevared Records (3)Severed Limbs (1)Severoth (2)Sevo (1)Sewer Fiend (1)Sewer Rot Records (3)Shades of Darkness Magazine (1)Shadow Kingdom Records (1)Shadows Ground (1)Show Me a River Records (1)Siegetower (1)Sielunvihollinen (2)Signal Rex (13)Silent Thunder (1)Singapore (1)Sirin (1)Skelethal (1)Skjold (1)Slaughtbbath (1)Slavia (1)Slime Citadel (1)Slimelord (1)Slovakia (6)Slovgh (1)Slugathor (1)Snake Oil Kassettforlag (1)Snow Wolf Records (1)Solar Temple (1)Solemn Imgist (1)Sol Records (3)Some Dead Bodies (1)Sorcier des Glaces (1)Soul Erosion (1)Soul Reaper label (1)Soulskinner (1)Soundage Productions (1)Southern Lord Recordings (1)South Korea (1)Spain (16)Spasticus (1)Spectral Moon Records (1)Spectral Voice (1)Spectral Wound (1)Spellforger (1)Sphera Noctis Records (1)Spiritside Production (1)Spiritual Enbodiment (1)Spiritu Mors (1)Spread Evil Productions (1)Standvast (1)Stoner / Doom Metal (1)Streams Of Blood (1)Stronghold Music (3)Strychnos (1)Stump Grinder Records (1)Sturmglanz Black Metal Manufaktur (3)Sturmwächter (1)Stworz (2)Subterranean Promotions (1)Sub Way Records (1)Sulphur Aeon (1)Summon (1)Summoning (1)Sunken Tomb Records (1)Susa (1)Swampbeast (2)Sweden (29)Switzerland (7)Symphonic Black Metal (2)Sørgelig (1)Taithur (1)Tankcrimes (1)Taphos (1)Tapias de Pilatos (1)Tatterdemalion (1)Temple Nightside (1)Temple of Wounds (1)Tenebrous Aberrations Productions (2)Terratur Possessions (3)Terror From Hell Records (4)Testimony Records (1)Tetragrammacide (1)The Black Records (1)The Chasm (1)The Clandestine Coven (1)The Crypt (2)The Horde of Nebulah Records (1)The Noose of Epicrates (1)The Ophidian Order (1)The Other Records (1)The Phantom Order (1)The Ritual Productions (1)The Sinister Flame (1)The Throat (1)Those Who Bring The Torture (1)Thrashing Madness Productions (1)Thrash Metal (1)Threnomancy (1)Thromos (1)Throneum (3)Thuringwethil (1)Thurthul (1)Thy Dying Light (1)Till (1)Tomb Mold (1)Tombstalker (1)Tome of Alsiare (1)TormentRex (3)Torture Krypt (1)Total Darkness Propaganda (1)Total Death Records (1)Total Hate (1)Tour de Garde (3)Transcending Obscurity Records (3)Transcending Records (1)Transgressor (1)Transilvanian Recordings (1)Translation Loss Records (1)Transylvanian Recordings (5)Trench Stench (1)Triangulum Ignis (1)Triumphant Cadaver (2)Trépas (1)Tundra Obscura (1)UK (16)Ukraine (8)Ulvdalir (2)Unbegotten (1)Undergang (3)Under the Dark Soil (1)Under the Sign of Garazel (9)Ungfell (1)Ungodly Ruins Productions (1)Unholy Domain Records (1)Unholy Forces Productions (1)Universally Estranged (1)unknown (4)Unpure Records (2)Unsilent Tombs Records (1)Unspeakable Axe Records (2)Upamsu (1)Urlog (1)Urn (2)USA (135)USA / Australia (2)Useless (1)Usva (1)Vaal (1)Valac (1)Valaraukar (1)Vampire Lord (1)Vampyric Blood (1)Vampyric Bvrial (1)Vampyric Winter (2)Vananidr (1)Vanargand (1)Van Records (8)Vardan (1)Vargrav (1)Varw (1)Vastatum (1)Vemod (1)Vendetta Records (5)Vendlus Records (1)Veneration (1)Verberis (1)Vereist (1)Vermignosis (1)Veruta (1)Vexev (1)Victims of Fate (1)Viking Black Metal (1)Violence Records (1)Violent Scum (1)Vircolac (1)Virulent Specter (1)Vital Remians (1)Void Column (1)Voidnaga (1)Void Terror (1)Vokodlok (1)Vomitile (1)Vomitology (1)Vonindod Creations (1)Vorgfang (1)Vrasubatlat (1)Vrztmür (1)Vrörsaath (2)Vánagandr (1)Véu Negro (1)Wacht (1)Wampyric Rites (2)War Agaist Yourself Productions (1)War Anthem Records (4)War Productions (1)Warwulf (1)Wendol (1)Werewolf Promotion (57)Werewolf Records (7)Wergild (1)Whalesong (2)White Death (1)White Werewolf (1)White Wolf Productions (1)Widziadło (1)Windstorm (1)Windswept (1)Winterburial (1)Winter Lantern (1)Wintermoon (1)Winterstorm (1)Witchblood (1)Witchbones (1)WitchCult Records (2)Witches Sabbath Records (2)Witchhammer Productions (1)Witch Vomit (1)Wizardkeep (1)Wode (1)Wohrt Records (1)Wojnar (1)Wolfcross (1)Wolfenburg (1)Wolfmond Productions (1)Wolfspell Records (12)Wolftower (1)Wolves' Winter (1)World Terror Committee (2)Worm (1)Worm Moon Records (1)Wormwitch (1)Worship Tapes (9)Worship the Void Records (4)Wraith (1)Wulfhere Productions (3)Wurdulac (1)Wyrd (1)Xandelyer (1)Xavarthan (1)Xtreem Music (5)Ylmgard (1)Ymir (2)Zaklon (2)Zapomniane Podziemia Krypty (3)Zaqqoem (1)Zawart (1)Zazen Sounds (1)Zealot Cult (1)Zeegang (1)Zenevinster (1)Zine (1)Zloslut (1)Zmora (3)Zwaertgevegt (1)Äkth Gánahëth (2)Åon Records (1)Ævangelist (1)ШАКАЛ (1)